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Chad A, Surfer, California

May 2023

I was approached by a white shark while surfing at Surf Beach, California which is notorious for having had 4 shark attacks, two of them deadly.  I have FFREEDOM+ Surf installed on my longboard.  I could not see the full shark under the water but the dorsal fin was fully out of the water and was about a meter tall, a solid dark grey and a notch at the base.  It seemed to be an adult.  The shark quickly approached to about a meter from me and then quickly went a half circle around my board and then away, all while thrashing a lot of water around.  I was a good distance from shore and in the five to ten minutes it took to paddle back, I did not see the shark again.  I feel the FREEDOM+ Surf likely deterred the shark and likely saved me from harm.

Also I want to add that I am impressed with the device's ability to hold charge.  I found it can maintain a charge for several months of not being used.

Thank you,
Chad A.

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